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Updated: Sep 29, 2020

Have a Productive Party!!

Isolated? Not able to leave your house? Are you surrounded by the same things’ day in and day out? Perfect!!

Now is the best time to rest and take care of you and your whole-body health. That’s right! Take the boredom out of your day with your own Productivity Party!!

  1. Clear the Clutter (don’t sweep this one under the rug)

  2. Activate Your Brain (get stimulated…intellectually)

  3. Activate Your Body (do the jig)

  4. Reach Out to Others (shoutout)

  5. Family Time (let the bonding begin)

  6. Turn that Frown Upside Down (I’m hysterical)

  7. Stay or Get Healthy (vita-power)

Clear the Clutter

You heard me! Don’t sweep this one under the rug. Boredom is a perfect opportunity to turn those dance tunes on and get those projects done. Put those dance shoes on and start tapping your toes with that first cup of joe.

  • Put on Let It Go while you file fearlessly, shred with grace and digitize those loose papers that are piling up throughout your office and home.

  • Move On with Marshmellow while you purge your closets. There’s no dancing around this one. Those clothes from your high school days should be kept as a memory. Refresh those threads with the tippity tap of those gorgeous new shoes.

  • Practice spinning around your website, social media and digital files while Tiny Dancer plays in the background.

Activate Your Brain

Give your brain a party by thinking about this; learning new things is healthy for your mind. Learning new skills stimulates neurons in the brain, which then form more neural pathways and allows electrical impulses to travel faster across them. Learning something can also give you a rush of dopamine – the happy hormone!

  • Learning Acute is the perfect Frequency Program to run during this one. With free online courses and apps like Courseca and Duolingo you can learn a new language or take an online class while listening to Mozart in the background.

  • Escape the realities of what is going on around you, just for a bit, by emerging yourself in a novel.

  • Flight of the Bumblebee may just bee the perfect piece for a jigsaw puzzle. Challenge yourself with difficulty levels and time.

Activate Your Body

We all know that physical activity has many benefits. Being active helps improve your heart health, diabetes management, stamina and mood. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and supports your cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. Start your Fitness Performance Program, take a deep breath and Pump Up The Jam with a few of these.

  • Let’s Get Physical with a few online workouts. Reach out to your preferred studio or choose one of your favorite activities, such a Barre, Pilates, Yoga or boxing. With a quick online search, you can drum up more than a couple of classes that are perfect for you.

  • Jump Around and use what you have! Lift those cans from the pantry, monster walk with your kids on your feet, head outside for a quick run or a toss of the ball with your dog.

  • Push It with Salt-N-Pepa with a High-intensity interval training and Tabata. HIIT is excellent for people who get bored quickly. Tabata training is one of the most popular forms of HIIT. It consists of eight rounds of ultra-high-intensity exercises in a specific 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off interval.

Reach Out to Others

Being cooped up in your home for weeks at a time away from friends and loved ones does not mean you have to be lonely or bored. You can be creative in how you reach out and touch someone – virtually.

  • Unlike the Text Message Song, texting is a great way to stay in touch. Text messaging is ideal for short messages when you just want to say hello or chit chat back and forth. Texting can also hold some priceless laughs with the inescapable autocorrect!

  • Can You Hear Me? A simple phone call can go a long way. Let that person hear your beautiful voice. Hearing the tone, inflection, volume or pace of speech of someone's voice on the phone helps draw their personality closer to you.

  • Socialize Remotely and virtual face to face with Facebook Messenger, FaceTime, Skype or Zoom. Host a happy hour, dinner or movie party all from the comforts of your individual homes. With technology, you do not need to feel like Somebody’s Watching Me after a night of fun. An easy solution is as simple as clicking close to say goodnight!

Family Time

With all the many definitions of what a family is, the fact of the matter is that there are so many benefits of spending time together. Not only does it strengthen bonds between everyone, but it also improves children's academic performance, reduces behavioral problems and spending time with family results in greater happiness for all.

  • Smell the apple pie backing and hear the sound as We Are Family is playing in the background as you and your family prepare that delicious family dinner – together! What a perfect time to choose your favorite recipes and enjoy your time together in the kitchen.

  • Game time can be the best time when played with the entire household. Get your peeps together and chose from the plethora of board games, game systems or even online games where everyone can play together. If you are having a difficult time deciding where to start, take a listen to The Board Game Song for a few recommendations.

  • Get creative – together. Have a spa day using only ingredients in your kitchen, build a fort in your living room with your winter clothes or have a nursery rhyme singing marathon. Ask your kids what they would like to do together, then do it! They will Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star with your enthusiasm!

Turn That Frown Upside Down

I am the funniest person I know! I am the first person to laugh at myself. Laughter is strong medicine that needs no prescription to possess. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, reduces pain, reduces stress hormone levels, lowers blood pressure and works your abs, boots your t-cells, triggers the release of endorphins and produces a sense of well-being.

  • Learn to laugh at yourself! It takes so much pressure off and it allows you to be more authentic and vulnerable. At the right moment, go ahead and give yourself permission to be silly. Honestly, we do some pretty funny things throughout the day; however, we have been programmed to look negatively at something or get embarrassed. So Twist Your Frown Upside Down at yourself!

  • A kind word, a funny story or tell a funny joke. You most certainly have heard that we need to make our words sweet, for we may need to eat them. So, take it from Ohio Express when they say Yummy, Yummy, Yummy I have love in my tummy!

  • You will be Walking On Sunshine with your favorite comedy! Choose your favorite movie, comedian or read a funny book, let that laughter roll. Laughter is the healthiest choice.

Stay or Get Healthy

Now is the perfect time to evaluate your health. There is now strong, scientific evidence that it is never too late for healthy lifestyle choices to positively and significantly impact your physical, emotional, and mental health. Many older people grow physically weaker not just because of age but because they stop using their muscles as much as they did when they were younger.

  • Tyrone Davis told us What Goes Up must come down. The same principles apply. What goes in must come out, in one form or another. Be mindful of what you are putting into your body.

  • The Digital Nutrition App can be used daily. Increase nutrients and supplements such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc to help boost your immune system and decrease choices such as alcohol, sugar, fried foods and chips.

  • Kick the smoking habit. Cigarettes block the absorption of essential nutrients such as calcium and vitamins C and vitamin D. Smoking just one cigarette drains the body of 25 mg of vitamin C. An easy solution is to start Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet. This will help will restore these vital nutrients and may help reduce your cravings to smoke. Nicotine may weaken the effect of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that is associated with pleasure and is released when smoking tobacco. Get Happy by drinking ginseng tea, which could reduce the appeal of smoking and make it less enjoyable.

Isolation does not need to be isolating and boring. We have the choice every moment of every day to choose what to do and how to do it. Enjoying the pleasures of a productivity party throughout your day and week will help bring clarity, focus, effectiveness and tranquility.

Put on those dance shoes and turn up that music and get the party started today!

If you are looking for something or someone to help connect you to your productive solution, let me know. You would be amazed with what I can come up with for you!!

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